Eidul Fitra 2018/1439

Asalaamu Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

InshaAllah, based on the sighting of the moon, Eid Fitra Salah will take place in the community center at 8am on Friday(15th) or Saturday(16th) June, 2018

For Hilal update, please visit hilalcouncilofcanada.ca.

HCC Announcement:

Respected Ūlamā & Members,

Alhamdulillah the moon has been sighted in multiple places within the matla' accepted by the HCC Thus the month of Ramadhan will conclude today, Thursday, June 14, and the 1st of Shawwal 1439 will be on Friday, June 15, 2018.

عيد مبارك!

We pray Allah bless each individual of the Ummah with a blessed and joyous Eid Al-Fitr, Ameen.

وعليكم السلام،